The sun shines on an oversized plant. This was about ten minutes into a hike in the eastern part of Taipei. I don't know how many more pics I will be posting here in the next 8 days as I will be moving soon and losing my internet connection until I go home to Cincy. It is possible that the next pics being posted up here will be from Cincinnati. How strange!
Thursday, June 16, 2005
Some apartments in near the Four Beasts (named because mountains resemble various animals) area in eastern Taipei. Linked with the previous picture, you might get an idea the mix of nature and man in Taipei, how nature is always present despite the concrete and towering skyscrapers which are also omnipresent. Notice also the clothes hanging out to dry - something you will see all over town. I choose not to do this as I don't want to smell any more like exhaust and pollution than I already do.